Global Advocacy - Denmark
Denmark's Country Consolidation and Exit Programme for Mozambique 2016-2019 (DKK 190 million) supports the foundation for business advocacy (FAN) which encompasses trade- and FDI-enhancing activities.
The key priority in the programme is to strengthen inclusive market-based growth to reduce poverty and raise living standards. The programme will target commercialization of agricultural products and upgrade rural infrastructure in Eastern Nepal. Also addressing the framework for inclusive growth at political levels will be key to facilitating sustainable, inclusive growth. 400 million DKK have been allocated for a five-year period commencing January 2014. The programme design includes three components, each with two sub-components: (i) The Value Chain Component (with sub-components Access to Finance and Commercialization of Value Chains; and (ii) The Infrastructure Component (with sub-components Rural Roads and Bridges and Market Infrastructure); and The Enabling Environment Component (with sub-components Private-Public Dialogue and Advocacy for Rights and CSR). To support the implementation of sub-component 1.1 Commercialization of Selected Value Chains, and the entire Infrastructure Component, the programme will make use of a management contractor. Other implementing partners include Local government, Nepal Rastra Bank together with UNCDF, Nepal Business Forum, and an advocacy fund manager.