Gender mainstreaming, employment and youth - UN ECLAC
Mario Cimoli
Officer in Charge of the International Trade and Integration Division
Tel: +56 2 210 2235
E-mail: Mario.Cimoli [at]
Trade policy and trade agreements are undergoing a modernization process in order to adequately address global challenges in the 21st Century. This is evident from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as well as the inclusion of gender-related commitments in modern trade agreements. The Division of International Trade and Integration has made significant efforts to include gender as part of its programme of work and has been involved in various activities such as joint projects with other UN Regional Commission to analyze the economic and social impacts of trade agreements on women as well as building an input-output database that can provide sectoral data regarding export-related employment by gender. Moreover, the Division has published several works including “Estimates of direct and indirect employment associated with Ecuadorian exports to the European Union”, “Internationalization of Latin American SMEs” which includes an analysis of the role of women and employment in small and medium enterprises, and “Innovation and Internationalization of Latin American Services” which analyzes the internationalization of trade in services and women’s participation in various service-related sectors.