E-commerce services and digital economy - ITU

Information dated: 2017

ITU Focus Group Digital Financial Services

Over the past two years, the ITU Focus Group Digital Financial Services (FG DFS) has been looking at the key challenges facing the broader adoption of the digital financial services that hold great promise to bring basic financial services to the estimated 2 billion adults still without access to a transaction account. The group took an ecosystem approach to DFS innovation, supported by a diverse set of experts representing the ICT and financial-services sectors, the public and private sector, standardization bodies and the research community. FG DFS has delivered 28 thematic reports in the areas of DFS Ecosystem, Interoperability, Consumer Protection and Technology, Innovation and Competition. The reports support some 85 policy recommendations establishing guiding principles to assist the pursuit of digital financial inclusion at the national and global level. The recommendations from FG DFS would be implemented over the next three years at a country level under the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative, a partnership between ITU, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Bank and Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) of the Bank for International Settlements.

For more information: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/focusgroups/dfs/