Compliance support infrastructure and services - Brazil
Information dated: 2017
Institutional and Technical Strengthening of Mozambique’s National Institute of Standardization and Quality (INNOQ)
Trilateral cooperation with Brazil, Germany and Mozambique on strengthening INNOQ (from September 2010 to July 2017 (see Legal and Regulatory Framework and Trade Facilitation):
- The main tasks of INNOQ are the promotion of standardization and quality in product manufacturing and service execution and cooperation with international and regional organizations in these areas. Also, the aim of this project was to enable INNOQ to respond to growing demands for quality infrastructure (QI) services from the economic sector and to be capable of protecting the rights of Mozambican consumers;
- The objective of INNOQ is to ensure compliance with the growing demand for quality standards required by the export industry and Mozambican consumers;
- In 2013, the Mozambican government constructed the new building of the INNOQ (US$ 12 mi) in Zimpeto, where the Institute is currently located;
- INNOQ also offers services at the municipal level and for the private sector: in 2013, 45 companies were assisted, 816 calibration certificates were issued, audits have been carried out in 15 municipalities, and 256 technicians have been trained, of which 212 were technicians of the municipalities' Councils (35 women) and 44 of the Provincial Commerce Directorates;
- INNOQ managed to amplify significantly its recognition by the Mozambican private sector. The revenue from calibration and certification services doubled between 2012 and 2013 and almost tripled from 2011 to 2013;
- In 2014 a new phase of Trilateral Project was approved with focus on areas of certification, metrology and expanding the Institute´s partnership network;
- In 2015 the new phase started and will have two years duration. The investment volume reached US$ 1,018,000 between the three partners. The expected impact at the end of this phase is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of services and products made in Mozambique, increasing, in this way, its competitiveness in national, regional and international markets (SADC), reducing poverty and ensuring sustainable economic development, and;
- In July 2017 the project will be finalized, and it is expected that INNOQ has acquired more capacities in its areas of operation, expanding the services of Legal and Industrial Metrology, as well as the Certification of Systems and Products.