Slovak Republic
Slovak Republic
Slovakia’s development assistance is regulated by the Official Development Aid Law of 5 December 2007 (Act 617/2007 Coll.), which entered into force on 1 February 2008 to make Slovakia a development aid donor with a defined legislative and institutional framework. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs coordinates Slovak aid, while the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation, established in 2007, is in charge of the implementation of bilateral assistance. The legislative framework is completed by the Budget Law, which confirms allocations for official development assistance (ODA) (Slovakia operates a rolling three-year budget – current year plus indicative budgets for the next two years) together with the Government’s Manifesto 2012-2016, which sets the Slovak Republic’s development cooperation in the context of European Union (EU) membership and commits to making ODA more transparent and effective.
The overall planning of the assistance is determined by the Mid-term Strategy of Development Aid for 2009- 2013, which focuses Slovak aid on three programme countries - Afghanistan, Serbia and Kenya, in addition to 16 project countries, mainly in the Western Balkan and Eastern Europe. Since 2009, when the Strategy was approved, Slovakia has reduced the number of its partner countries. In 2012, Slovak ODA was delivered to 13 partner countries (Afghanistan, Kenya, South Sudan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Tunisia and Egypt) according to the National ODA Programme 2012, adopted in January 2012. The National ODA Programme 2012 has also narrowed the scope of sectors addressed in order to increase the effectiveness of Slovak aid.
Slovakia’s top ODA priorities for the 2009-2013 period include strengthening of stability and good governance, including in terms of Slovakia’s economic interests, as well as encouraging development, thus reducing poverty and hunger in developing countries through more effective and better-targeted development and humanitarian aid. The core of the Slovak development programme comprises transfer of unique knowledge and experience gained during several years of transformation of the whole society as well as in the context of its European and Euro-Atlantic integration processes.
Under its membership in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Slovakia participates in the work of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC), with observer status thus far. In 2011, Slovak undertook the DAC Special Peer Review, which assessed the policy and system of development cooperation.
Development assistance provided by the Slovak Republic complies with international documents, treaties and declarations to which it has acceded, namely the UN Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals, the Paris Declaration, the Accra Agenda for Action and the Busan Outcome Document. Further, it acts in line with commitments made at the UN International Conference on Financing for Development held in Monterrey, and confirmed at the Doha Conference.
As an EU Member State, Slovakia acts in compliance with the European Consensus on Development and the conclusions of the European Council and the Council of the EU addressing various aspects of the EU’s development policy. The so-called “Aid for Trade” initiative also constitutes an important part of the EU’s development policy. Slovakia supports the EU’s goal to improve the quality and effectiveness of development assistance. It participates in European development policy by means of EU external assistance instruments, coordination of its efforts and cooperating with other EU Member States and the Commission. The principles of the European Consensus on Development of 2005, in whose preparation Slovakia was actively engaged, are reflected in the implementation of Slovak development assistance more intensively.
The government of the Slovak Republic does not have a stand-alone AfT strategy, but is firmly committed to the EU AfT strategy (see above); however, AfT activities are part of its overall development cooperation strategy. Slovak sectoral priorities include inter alia support to building a market environment, socio-economic development of rural areas (agricultural development included) and private sector development in priority countries with a focus on supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Principal official agency responsible for TCB assistance to developing countries
Tel: +421 2 4584 1111
E-mail: info [at]
827 15 Bratislava 212
The Ministry of Economy (ME) is a central body of state administration of the Slovak Republic for inter alia support of SMEs, policy related to the creation of a business environment, domestic trade and foreign trade.
Tel: +421 2 5978 1111
E-mail: info [at] Web:
83336 Bratislava
The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFEA) acts as a national coordinator of Slovak ODA according to the Official Development Aid Law (Act 617/2007 Coll.), ensures the preparation of an official assistance policy of the Slovak Republic and coordination of its implementation. MFEA is also in charge of coordination and harmonization of Slovak ODA with the ODA of EU Member States and the European Commission (EC); harmonization of different national policies with the development assistance policy; approval of humanitarian aid of the Slovak Republic and coordination of its implementation; management and oversight of operations; etc.
Tel: +421 2 6820 5011
E-mail: info [at]
811 02 Bratislava
The Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC) operates under MFEA and is responsible implementation of ODA in accordance with strategic and conceptual documents developed by MFEA, binding documents of the EU, UN and OECD and other international commitments.
Other government and official agencies with responsibilities directly relevant to TCB
Tel: +421 2 5939 8111
E-mail: informacie [at]
The main objective of this institution is to sup- port the maximum volume of export of sophisticated production, especially to the EU and OECD countries, as well as to developing countries, while ensuring a return on investment through the minimization of risks arising from insurance, credit, guarantee and finance activities.
Tel: +421 2 5826 0100
E-mail: sario [at]
SARIO is a government-funded allowance organization that works under the supervision of ME. SARIO’s strategic objectives are:
- applying an effective framework for the support of foreign investors and increasing the portion of investors with high value-added production;
- supporting such export activities of Slovak enterprises that would significantly increase the turnover of Slovak foreign trade; and
- qualified and effective administration of EU Structural Funds, which provide support for activities within the framework of foreign direct investment and foreign trade.
Other offical and NON-governmental organizations involved
851 01 Bratislava Slovakia
The National Union of Employers aims to protect the interests of employers, the rights of businesses and the freedom of citizens. It also plays an active role in developing and introducing legal regulations on the main common interests of employers.
816 03 Bratislava Slovakia
The Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI) is a public body supporting the development and expansion of Slovak enterprises, in particular SMEs, within a local, national, European and global dimension, particularly by means of influencing the formation of the business environment. The main role of the Chamber in Slovakia is to promote favorable conditions and environment development for Slovak businesses. This is achieved by cooperating with state authorities, industry unions and associations.
SCCI has a wide range of experiences in EU-funded projects, such as:
- Promoting entrepreneurship, technology transfer and innovation;
- Cluster and Network Cooperation for Business Success in Central Europe;
- Certified European Incubation Manager Training for SMEs: solving problems of SMES related to management of innovations.