

General information on development cooperation

Greece is a member of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC)/OECD since 1999. Greece is a relatively small DAC donor which faces challenges in meeting international aid commitments. During the last years and due to the difficult financial circumstances, Greece has been focused mainly on the multilateral official development assistance. Total Official Development Assistance (bilateral and multilateral ODA) in 2015, amounted to 238.70 m. USD i.e. 0.12% of Gross National Income (GNI). Total bilateral ODA granted by Greece in 2015 amounted to 71.88 m. USD and total multilateral ODA amounted to 166.82 m. USD. 


Principal official agency responsible for TCB assistance to developing countries

DG International Development Cooperation (YDAS or Hellenic Aid)
Physical Address
Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs
DG for International Development Cooperation (HELLENIC AID)
3 Akadimias str. GR-106 71 Athens
Tel: +30 210 368 2252
Fax: +30 210 368 2459

Hellenic Aid was established 1999, under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is responsible for monitoring, coordinating, supervising and promoting emergency humanitarian aid activities and other forms of aid, as well as for development assistance for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of infrastructure in developing countries. The aid is implemented by NGOs, ministries and other agencies. Hellenic Aid is managed by a Director General, who reports to the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

According to the legal framework [Law 2731/1999 (Official Gazette 138/A/5-7-1999 and Presidential Decree 224/2000 (Official Gazette 193/A/6-9-2000)], the inter-ministerial committee for international economic relations (EOSDOS), chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, co-ordinates development policy. Approximately 14 ministries are involved in development co-operation, which make contributions to specific programmes and funds managed by international organizations, through their own budget lines. The main institutional players in terms of official development assistance volume, both bilateral and multilateral, are the ministries of Finance; Foreign Affairs; National Defense; Education, Research and Religions; Economy and Development and the Ministry of Interior.

Other offical and NON-governmental organizations involved

Export Credit Insurance Organization (ECIO)
Contact details

Ε-mail: oaep [at]

Physical Address
57 El. Venizelou Str., 105 64 Athens
Tel: +30 210 996 6200
Fax: +30 210 324 4074


ECIO was established in 1988. An autonomous legal entity in private law, it is a non-profit organization governed by a 9-member board of directors and supervised by the Ministry of Economy and Development. Its state guarantee capital amounts today to €1.47 billion. ECIO insures the export credits granted by Greek exporters to foreign buyers abroad against commercial and political risks of non-payment, and the investments undertaken abroad by Greek entrepreneurs against political risks.

Selected TCB programmes and initiatives in this guide

Not listed in any categories