Czech Republic
Czech Republic
Development cooperation is an integral part of the Czech foreign policy. In this area, Czech Republic seeks to promote and support (i) human rights, democracy and the rule of law; (ii) sustainable agriculture and food security; (iii) social development; (iv) protection of the environment; and (v) economic development of partner countries, including trade and energy. In relation to trade, the Czech Republic supports the multilateral trading system and envisages that, in all stages of negotiations, issues related to economic development will play a key role and the process of undertaking new obligations will be supported by increased technical assistance to developing countries.
In the past 15 years, the Czech Republic has introduced a number of major changes in the concept and organization of its development cooperation. The Czech Republic aims to be a predictable actor and focuses on the efficiency of aid provided to partner countries as well as project management.
The goals and principles, which guide Czech development cooperation, are part of the Act on Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid, the Multilateral Development Cooperation Strategy of the Czech Republic 2013-2017 as well as other documents:
- The Multilateral Development Cooperation Strategy of the Czech Republic
- Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
The Czech Republic has committed in its Multilateral Development Cooperation Strategy to promote Aid for Trade programs, which provide experiences and know-how of developed countries to the less developed. In general, Czech experiences are sought in the area of agriculture, labor work or water management with a primary focus on productive capacity building and trade policies and regulations. In the past, the Czech Republic also supported Aid for Trade Strategy through the WTO Global Trust Fund.
In 2015, Czech support for Aid for Trade Strategy programs amounted to CZK 6 million and included a support of eight projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ethiopia, Moldova, Mongolia, Georgia, and Serbia. They focused especially on trade policy and regulation, trade-related network and infrastructure and productive capacity building.
Source: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Strategie programu Aid for Trade v rámci zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce ČR (in Czech only), 2016, available at:
Principal official agency responsible for TCB assistance to developing countries
Tel: +420 251 108 130
Fax: +420 251 108 225
E-mail: info [at]
Prague 1 Czech Republic
CzDA is the main implementing body for Czech development cooperation, focused primarily on the design and execution of bilateral development projects. CzDA was established by a decision of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs in January 2008 and re-established by the Law on Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Assistance on 1 July 2010.
CzDA cooperates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the establishment of an institutional framework for Czech development cooperation and participates actively in the creation of development cooperation programs between the Czech Republic and priority countries. Since 2010, the agency reports to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is in charge of the coordination of Czech ODA.
The main tasks of CzDA are to identify, formulate, implement and monitor projects in priority partner countries. The Agency seeks to support and implement projects focused on cooperation with the private sector and temporary assignments of experts, as well as support local projects, which raise awareness about development and Czech involvement. Other tasks of the Agency include support to engaging Czech actors in projects with other donors and international organizations, support of capacity building of non-profit organizations and other subjects. CzDA is also responsible for tenders and grant calls, which enables businesses as well as other non-state entities to become contractors in Czech bilateral ODA projects.
CzDA cooperates actively with NGOs as well as the private sector, namely, the Czech Forum for Development Cooperation (FoRS), an association of NGOs, and the Entrepreneurs’ Platform for Development Cooperation (PPZRS), an association of businesses. CzDA also cooperates closely with other European donors, in particular through its active membership in the Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation.
Other government and official agencies with responsibilities directly relevant to TCB
Tel: +420 224 181 111
E-mail: podatelna [at]
Praha 1, the Czech Republic
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the Czech Republic’s central public administration authority in the field of foreign policy. As such, it is responsible for creating the concept of and coordinating development cooperation and coordinating external economic relations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs formulates the principles and strategies of Czech development policy and gives opinions on development aspects of other government policies.
Since 2008, development projects are planned and implemented through CzDA. The inter-ministerial Council for Development Cooperation fulfils a crucial role vis-à-vis policy coherence.
Other offical and NON-governmental organizations involved
Director: Pavel Přibyl
Tel: +420 603 207 249
Email: pavel.pribyl [at]
FoRS is a platform for Czech non-profit NGOs and other non-profit institutions involved in development cooperation, development education and humanitarian assistance. Established in 2002, it represents 32 member and 10 observer organizations (such as NGOs, foundations, international organizations and academic institutions) and 4 observers (individuals). Organizations in FoRS seek to promote greater effectiveness of development cooperation, as well as provide services to its members and observers in terms of capacity building, information service and expert consultancy. In 2003, FoRS became a founding member of the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development (CONCORD).
In 2015 FoRS approved its Strategy 2016-2020 with following goals:
- Elimination of extreme poverty, environmentally sustainable and socially just development, human rights and prevention and peaceful conflict resolution;
- Increased efficiency, quality and volume of Czech foreign development cooperation and humanitarian aid;
- Transparency and predictability of ODA, structured dialogue and cooperation among development actors;
FoRS is active in the area of TCB as follows:
- Global Advocacy: FoRS regularly carries out advocacy on Czech development policy, Czech ODA financing plans and disbursements and particular issues in EU development policy. Key issues related to TCB are the Millennium Development Goals and so-called policy coherence for development, including trade policy.
Supply Capacity: Several members of FoRS support projects in the field of microfinance and livelihoods (income generation projects etc.) focused on improving the life conditions of poor local peasants and other people in developing countries.
Managing Director: Věra Venclíková
Tel: +420 603826261
E-mail platforma [at]
PPZRS is a voluntary society, which is joined by Czech entrepreneurs and Czech associations involved in businesses in developing countries. It was set up in 2008 - when the Czech Republic’s current ODA system started - by three biggest Czech associations and entrepreneurs.
The goal of the Platform is to promote a business partnership strategy for prospective investors in developing countries, especially in development investment projects supported by development finance institutions.
Main goals of PPZRS are following:
- Support private sector engagement in the ODA;
- Promote principles of development aid among Czech entrepreneurs;
- Promote coherency of the export and development policy of the Czech Republic; and
- Provide assistance, financing advice and support to Czech companies.
PPZRS is active in the area of TCB as follows:
- Trade policy development;
- Compliance support infrastructure and services;
- Trade promotion capacity building;
- Market and trade information;
- Trade facilitation;
- Physical Trade infrastructure;
- Trade-related financial services; and
- Other trade-related activities.
The Czech Republic is involved in various UN as well as international agencies, to which it contributes financially or in other forms. Cooperation with different international and multilateral organizations is also used to channel Czech ODA. It includes the European Union, World Bank Group, UN agencies or regional development banks.
Tel : +32 2 791 75 80
E-mail: info [at]
1000 Brussels
The Practitioners’ Network for European Development Cooperation is an open platform for exchange of experiences and good practice among European public development agencies and institutions. The Network is open to bilateral and Community implementing agencies and all institutions which directly implement official development cooperation. The Practitioners’ Network creates opportunities for collaboration and synergies at implementation level. It currently has one Observer and thirteen Members, including The Czech Development Agency.