

General information on development cooperation

The Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (MFA) is the focal point for cooperation with developing country governments and is tasked with maintaining coherence in Austrian development cooperation. The Ministry is responsible for the overall strategic direction of Austria’s development cooperation and the programming of official development assistance (ODA), while the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), a limited liability company fully owned by the Austrian Federal Government, is the implementation arm of development cooperation. Prior to the creation of ADA in 2003, the MFA administered close to 6% of Austria’s ODA directly, but today the development cooperation programmes and projects are implemented by ADA jointly with public institutions, international and non-governmental organizations and enterprises. The major horizontal themes of Austrian development cooperation remain: (i) poverty reduction; (ii) peace - keeping and safeguarding human security; and (iii) preservation of the environment and protection of natural resources. The thematic focus continues to be in the fields of water and sanitation, renewable energy, private sector development, peace & security and education. Geographically, Austrian overall aid is focused on  countries in Eastern Africa, Southern  and West Africa, as well as the Himalaya−Hindu Kush region and South East Europe/Southern Caucasus.

Aid for Trade Strategy

Austria’s Aid for Trade Strategy was first laid out in the Federal Government’s Three-Year Programme (2007–2009)  and has since then been  updated, most recently in Three-Year Programme on Austrian Development Policy 2016-2018. These policy papers are the central planning documents of Austria’s development programme. Austria’s Aid for Trade Strategy has been elaborated with the EU Aid for Trade Strategy, which was adopted in October 2007, and is an extension of its private sector strategy, focusing on sectors of engagement where Austria has gathered experience from its past development cooperation, namely areas related to building and strengthening supply capacity, trade-related capacity and trade infrastructure. The Austrian Federal Development Cooperation Act defines “….combating poverty in the developing countries by promoting economic and social development ….” as one of the three main objectives of Austrian development policy, and the overall aim of Austria’s AfT strategy is to complement its on-going initiatives for poverty reduction, private sector development, and job creation.

The following areas of intervention form the backbone of Austria’s AfT strategy:

  • Promoting production capacities: improving the framework for private investments and business start-ups and, above all, easing SMEs’ access to financial services and management know-how. Moreover, since a growing portion of international trade takes place in transnational supply chains based on the division of labour, ADC foresees a more active participation in facilitating developing countries to become integrated into the global supply chain or global production networks.
  • Financing trade-related infrastructure: participating in multilateral infrastructure programmes. ADC, from the very beginning, contributes to the EU - Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund , which has a particular bearing on trade through its focus on regional or continental  interconnectivity.
  • Supporting initiatives for fair trade and Import Promotion to Europe in order to promote local economic development
  • Supporting regions: supporting regional organizations and institutions for regional convergence .

Austria’s AfT financial package is based on the EU’s pledge to raise its annual AfT funding to €2 billion a year  (€1 billion from the European Community and € 1 billion from the member countries). While the Austrian Government has announced no specific figure, it indicated in the 2016 Aid for Trade Questionnaire that its levels of contribution would remain in line with the allocations of previous years according to its DAC ODA reporting.

Austrian AfT is guided by the principle of “division of labour” amongst the EU Member States. The Austrian Development Agency and its implementing partners, therefore, focus their interventions on a defined range of projects and interventions, which predominantly fall under supply capacity and trade infrastructure. Below are some examples of ongoing and pipeline projects:

  • Contribution to the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) and similar centres in Eastern and Southern Africa;
  • Projects focusing on investment (such as STAREP – Strengthening Auditing & Reporting in the Eastern Partnership countries) and  business climate and global supply chains;
  • Annual contribution to the Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund (DDAGTF);

 In the area of trade finance, in 2008 the Government launched the Austrian Development Bank (Oedb/ADB). The ADB supports trade-related private sector projects under its mandate. Although not purely ODA-related, the ADB is poised to become an important financing outlet for Austrian development cooperation.

The geographical focus of Austria’s AfT interventions partly mirrors that of its overall development cooperation strategy. It focuses, in particular, on Southern and West Africa, Central America, South East Europe and the Southern Caucasus. While interventions are foreseen at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels, regional and multilateral initiatives are given priority in order to uphold the principles of aid effectiveness. Regional projects focus, especially, on economic infrastructure and, more particularly, on the energy sector. Energy is one of Austria’s focal sectors and, as such, forms part of its regional programmes in Western Africa and Southern Africa. Interventions are commonly undertaken in partnership with regional organizations (e.g. the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and in cooperation with other bilateral donors (e.g. Finland) and multilateral donors (e.g. UNIDO, UNDP). The Energy and Environment Partnership with Southern Africa is one successful example of a wider AfT engagement that includes a regional dimension. Regional economic infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa is further targeted by way of contributions to the EU Infrastructure Trust Fund, a European-African initiative on cross-border infrastructure (mentioned above).

Finally, to improve aid effectiveness, Austria is increasingly moving towards the adoption of a mix of funding modalities, ranging, as we have seen from the above list, from joint financing programmes and participation in multilateral trust funds to joint EC programmes.


  1. Three-Year Programme on Austrian Development Policy 2007 – 2009 (revised version) – Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
  2. Three-Year Programme on Austrian Development Policy 2016-2018 − Federal Ministry of Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
  3. Three-Year Programmes are availabe at:

Austria Aid for Trade Questionnaire 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016


Principal official agency responsible for TCB assistance to developing countries

Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Contact details

ADC Information Desk
Tel: +43 1 90 399 2411
E‐mail: [at] ada.gv

Physical Address
Zelinkagasse 2
A-1010 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 90 3990
Fax: +43 1 90 399 1290

Austrian Development Agency (ADA): The Austrian Development Agency (ADA) is the operational unit of Austrian development cooperation. The Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (MFA) set the development cooperation strategies and programmes, while ADA implements these in partnership with public institutions, non-governmental organizations and enterprises. It is in charge of implementing all bilateral programmes and projects in Austrian development cooperation’s partner countries and administers the budget earmarked for this. ADA supports countries in Africa, Asia, and Central America as well as in South East Europe in their sustainable social, economic and democratic development. The Agency is responsible, on behalf of MFA, for preparing, administering and contracting out projects and programmes set out in the Austrian Three-Year Programmes. To this end, ADA has 15 coordinating offices in partner countries to coordinate activities and conduct dialogue with the local and federal public institutions. This three-year programming exercise defines the key development policy positions and strategic framework for Austria’s development cooperation. The division of labour between MFA and ADA ensures the coherence of Government development policy and the efficient implementation of the statutory provisions in the Federal Devel- opment Cooperation Act.

Other government and official agencies with responsibilities directly relevant to TCB

Contact details

E-mail: contact [at]

Physical Address
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63
1045 Vienna, Austria

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, part of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, with a head quarter in Vienna and based on an agreement between the Federal Economic Chamber and the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is the official Austrian foreign trade promotion organization. It is Austria’s largest provider of services in the area of foreign trade, giving comprehensive advice and practical support to Austrian foreign trade firms. ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, with its about 110 offices in over 70 countries, provides a broad range of intelligence and business development services for both Austrian companies and their international business partners. Around 800 employees and 35 consultants around the world can assist in locating Austrian suppliers and business partners. We organize about 1,200 events every year to bring business contacts together. Other services provided by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA offices range from introductions to Austrian companies looking for importers, distributors or agents to providing in-depth information on Austria as a business location and assistance in entering the Austrian market.

Austrian Development Bank Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG
Contact details

E‐mail: office@oe‐
Web: http://www.oe‐

Physical Address
Strauchgasse 3
A-1011 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 5 331 2000
Fax: +43 1 5 331 200 5252

Austrian Development Bank (OeEB): The Austrian Development Bank (OeEB), the official development bank of Austria, was set up in 2008 as a subsidiary of the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (OeKB) and acts on behalf of the Federal Government. It supports commercially self-supporting private sector projects in developing countries that meet developmental criteria (such as poverty reduction, employment generation, gender relevance and know-how transfer), through various instruments, such as equity contributions, mezzanine finance, fund participation, participating interests in banks, long-term loans, refinance lines for banks and co-financing with other European development banks and international financial institutions. The Bank is entrusted with a clear developmental mandate in pursuance of the goals and principles of Austrian development policy as per the Federal Development Cooperation Act and the specifications of the current Three-Year Programme. The Bank also supports regional programmes and allocates close to 20% of core business to Least Developed Countries. The Austrian Development Bank operates along precisely defined lines with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA).

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Contact details

Tel:: +43 (0)5 90 900

Fax: +43 (0)5 90 900 5678

E-mail: office [at]

Web: 1&stid=502618&dstid=1328

Physical Address
A-1045 Vienna, P.O. 100

Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO): The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber is responsible for the coordination and representation of the interests of the Austrian business community at national and international levels. Its services to its members are: (i) information and advisory service; (ii) collective bargaining with unions; and (iii) economic promotion and development, training and consulting. It also houses ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, the official Austrian foreign trade promotion organization, and the largest provider of services in the area of foreign trade., powered and operated by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, offers easy access to the nearest ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA office and all relevant information on business and trade information on Austria.

Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
Contact details


Physical Address
Minoritenplatz 8
A-1014 Vienna
Tel: +43 190 1150 or +43 1 501 1500
Fax: +43 1 904 20 160

The Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) supports countries in Africa, Asia, Central America and South-East and Eastern Europe in their sustainable social development, economic and democratic.The Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (MFA) plans the strategies and programs, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) implements these together with public institutions, NGOs, companies and other public actors.

Austrian Standards Institute
Contact details

Tel.: +43 1 213 00

Fax: +43 1 213 00-818

E-mail: office [at] (office[at]austrian-standards[dot]at); j.gajdek [at]


Physical Address
Heinestrasse 38
1020 Vienna Austria

Austrian Standards Institute: Austrian Standards Institute is a private non-profit association which provides a neutral and independent platform for the development of standards. As the Austrian member of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), it enables and coordinates Austrian experts’ participation in the development of European and international standards. It is also the WTO national enquiry point for technical barriers to trade (TBT). Since 1998, its know-how and competence have brought benefits to organizations, enterprises and public authorities in different parts of the world, from Eastern Europe to South East Asia and the Mediterranean countries. More than 3,500 trainees (standardization, public authorities, enterprises, conformity assessment bodies) and 130 experts – both national and international – implement consulting projects world-wide.

Other offical and NON-governmental organizations involved

Austrian Business Agency
Contact details

Tel.: +43-1-588 58-0
Fax: +43-1-586 86 59
office [at] (office[at]aba[dot]gv[dot]at)

Physical Address
Opernring 3
A-1010 Vienna, Austria

Austrian Business Agency (ABA-Invest in Austria): This is the Austrian national investment promotion agency and is the first point of contact for foreign companies aiming to establish their own business in Austria. It is owned and operated by the Republic of Austria, and reports directly to the Austrian Ministry of Science, Research and Economy. The services provided by ABA-Invest in Austria are free of charge: professional consulting services to firms interested in setting up business operations in Austria, focusing on all issues relevant to selecting an appropriate location, and with detailed information about Austria as a business location. It also proactively approaches potential investors.

Initiative Eine Welt (IEW – Braunau)
Contact details

Tel: + 43 7722 66470
office [at] (office[at]inoneworld[dot]eu)

For more information:

Physical Address
Krankenhausgasse 6
5280 Braunau am Inn

Initiative Eine Welt (IEW – Braunau): IEW works in partnership with ADA for the implementation of development projects, supporting programmes in Africa and Latin America. Since 1978 its interventions have focused on small projects to the benefit of the poor. IEW fosters the principle of ownership by supporting project ideas and initiatives which come from the South. It has, over time, supported projects in chocolate making in Nicaragua and jewellery design in Sudan and in fashion design, amongst others.

Joint Vienna Institute
Contact details

Tel: +43 1 798-9495

E-mail: jvi [at]

Physical Address
Mariahilferstrasse 97
A-1060 Vienna, Austria

Joint Vienna Institute (JVI): The JVI is an international training institute located in Vienna, Austria. It was launched in 1992 by five international organizations and the Austrian authorities to respond rapidly to the large demand from economies in transition for the training of officials in market economics and the free enterprise system. The JVI offers a comprehensive programme of approximately 60 seminars, generally of short duration, in specialized topics that reflect the expertise of its various sponsoring organizations. These seminars are aimed at mid-and senior-level officials and private sector managers in transition economies and focus primarily on practical policy issues relevant to economies in transition. The JVI’s training program, which is developed in consultation with the recipient countries, has the following principal objectives: (i) to provide comprehensive training on a broad range of operational issues and problems encountered in managing a market economy, particularly in policy formulation and implementation; (ii) to foster the development of networks of officials across the transition economies; and (iii) to provide opportunities for nationals of transition countries to gain first-hand experience of an advanced market economy (Austria). It also organizes international conferences in such areas as Global Trade, the WTO, etc. The Joint Vienna Institute is supported by five international organizations and the Austrian authorities (Oesterreichische National Bank and the Ministry of Finance).

Research Centre in International Economics
Contact details

E-mail: fiw-pb [at]


Research Centre in International Economics (FIW): The “Research Centre International Economics - FIW” has been initiated by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy as part of the Federal government´s internationalisation drive in 2006. The FIW is a collaboration of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), the Vienna Institute for International, Economic Studies (wiiw), and the Computing Centre for Economics and Social Sciences (WSR).

The FIW pursues the following aims: (i) the development of a research programme which assists external political decisions and activities related to the European Union and other multinational organizations in a sustainable fashion; (ii) easy and transparent access to relevant databases; and (iii) encouragement and enhancement of the development of know-how in foreign economic affairs in Austria and a review of the fundamental global and Austrian developments in foreign trade (i.e. by organising events and publishing paper series in the fields of international economics).

Since November 2013 the FIW has established a cooperation with three Austrian Universities (Vienna University of Economics and Business, Johannes Kepler University Linz and the University of Vienna), since December 2016 in addition with the University of Innsbruck. The FIW`s cooperation with the Austrian Unversities enables, on the one hand, to organise two scientific workshops per year and an annual research conference, as well as to finance four pre-doc-posts and yearly prizes for the best Austrian female junior-researchers; on the other hand the FIW data tool will be modernized.

Further cooperations, associated with the organisation of event series, are in force with the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV), the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), and the Federal Chancellery / Federal Academy of Public Administration (BKA / VAB). Relating to the annual research conferece, the FIW cooperates with the IOS Regensburg, the ifo-institute Munich, the University Ljublijana,t he Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the University of Economics Bratislava, as well as with the University of Bologna.

Contact details

Tel: +43-1-7101077-0

Fax: +43-1-7101077-19

E-mail: office [at]

Physical Address
Wiedner Hauptstraße 24/11
1040 Vienna, Austria

respACT - Austrian Business Council for Sustainable Development: respACT is Austria‘s leading platform for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development. respACT stands for "responsible action“and supports its member companies on their way to implementing socially responsible actions into their daily business. Responsible companies focus on five fields of action: organisational leadership, market place, workforce, environment and society. respACT - Austrian business council for sustainable development responds to businesses of all sizes based in Austria,  from small companies to major corporations. The council’s most important activities are thought leadership on CSR and sustainability, exchange of best practices, knowledge transfer and education as well as the establishment and administration of a national CSR network.

TCB cooperation initiatives with UN/International agencies and bilateral partners

In particular, Austria channels its ODA through international and multilateral institutions such as the WB, IMF, WTO, ITC, UNCTAD and UNIDO.

In the area of trade capacity building, the energy sector is of particular interest to Austria. Interventions in the energy sector are commonly undertaken in partnership with regional organizations (e.g. the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS and in cooperation with other bilateral donors (e.g. Finland) and multilateral donors (e.g. UNDP).

Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)
Contact details

Tel: +43-1 - 533 66 10

Fax: +43-1- 533 66 10-50

E-mail: wiiw [at]

For more information:

Physical Address
Rahlgasse 3
A-1060 Vienna, Austria

Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw): wiiw is a non-profit organization established in 1973 as an independent research institute. The primary emphasis of its research activities is on: (i) analysing and forecasting economic developments in the countries of Central, East and Southeast Europe (including Turkey), the major CIS countries and China; (ii) analysing structural developments in those countries, such as sectoral patterns of growth, labour market trends and industrial competitiveness, supplemented by industry studies, reviews of foreign direct investment and assessments of foreign trade specialization; (iii) conducting studies on the integration of new EU members, focusing on such challenges as catching-up, sustained growth and macroeconomic stability, and integration into the major macroeconomic policy frameworks of the EU, the Growth and Stability Pact and the EMU; and (iv) performing comparative analyses of global developments such as the growth and patterns of structural change in Asia and the countries of Central, East and Southeast Europe, the role of foreign investment, patterns of trade specialization and production networking, exchange rate arrangements, and the coordination of macroeconomic policy. Research results are issued in one of the Institute’s series of regular publications or jointly with international publishers. Topical analyses and forecasts are also disseminated at press conferences or in press releases. The Institute has established a number of databases that provide exhaustive statistical data on the countries of Cen- tral, East and Southeast Europe.

Selected TCB programmes and initiatives in this guide

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
WTO Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund (DDAGTF)
WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Facility (TFAF)
ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREE)
Building Sustainable, Inclusive and Well-Functioning Value Chains for non-GM soya and organic soya in Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Strengthening Auditing and Reporting in the Eastern Partnership countries (STAREP)
Business Partnerships
New computerized transit system (NCTS) for Croatian Customs
Austrian participation in the EU Africa Trust Fund for Infrastructure
Austrian Development Bank (OeEB) Microfinance Enhancement Facility (MEF)
Latin American Agribusiness Development Corporation (LAAD)